Monday 8 August 2011

Less Than Seven Months After Discovery

It is with profound sadness that I write this journal entry on Fran’s behalf. Early Sunday morning her road to recovery came to an end. Her sons and I were with her as she slipped away. I know that this journal may be the first time you hear this news and so this may come as a shock, especially given the positive outlook of the previous postings.
Frances was not accepted to the clinical trial because her health rapidly declined to the point that participation in the trial was pointless. We did not tell her of this because it would have stripped away all hope she had of recovery. To tell her would have been cruel and would serve no purpose.
It was her wish that for as much as we were able to care for her, she would stay at home to the end. I am delighted to say to you all, her wish was granted.
If you have memories or photos you would like to share, or just to have a look at what others have posted, I invite you to go to a new site.


Monday 1 August 2011

Next step

Refreshments on the beach in Barcelona, Spain.

Hello again from Don. Today I thought I would bring you all up to date on what has taken place since Fran last posted to this site. She is too tired today to do this herself and I thought it is time to post again.
The tests on the biopsy were good in the sense that she is still eligible to be accepted into the trial. There is a new hard date to have her start the chemo and some further testing is required to establish a base line so the effects of the drug can be measured. Fran has had a CT scan from the neck down to the hips, a chest X-ray, blood test and an MRI of her head. She needed a blood transfusion again on Thursday to bring her hemoglobin level up from 74. It should be at 90 or better. Thanks to Dr. Bakker, her GP, we were able to have her blood drawn at the doctor’s office in Mississauga Friday so Grant could drive it to PMH instead of taking Fran downtown again. Good thinking team!
Friday night we had a big family dinner that was a big hit with her.  Linda brought the meal so no one had to do the cooking. This was such a success that we will do it again, perhaps weekly.
We toyed with the idea of going to the cottage for the long weekend but I pulled the plug on that idea. It is going to be too hot this weekend and she finds breathing difficult in the humidity. It is also a long drive for her.
Next visit to PMH is Wednesday when we will find out for sure if she can start the trial. She is still strongly determined to fight this and is ready to start the new chemo.
With the trial expected to start shortly, Fran’s team of doctors have told us rest is her number one priority so we are going to make sure she can have as much down time as possible. We ask that the visits take a temporary break until the trial has started and we see how Fran in coping.  As always, everyone’s concern is greatly appreciated and is important to Fran and our family.