Wednesday 11 May 2011

Well, it has been awhile...May 11

Look at this photo.  With a team like this, there is no way of losing this battle!!!  Don, Donald, Jason, Grant and Brad...Thanks to each of you, you make my days stronger, my world still  has laughter and I think you like being the boss of me!!!  Gentlemen, I COULD NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU...we are the power of 6...nothing can stop us now.

Well I really would like to post how great everything is and it is moving exactly according to plan...But, that would be a lie.  As Don mentioned I have issues with my left arm, which make typing (the Mavis Beacon way) difficult,  Also, I continue to deal with fatigue and setbacks.  So, I will manage my own expectations and will post when I can.  Don will fill in (quite well I must say) when I cannot.

You know that I was no longer eligible for the trial.  I was so disappointed, but my belief that all things happen for reasons we may not immediately understand holds true.  For whatever reason, I was not to be apart of that trial...the reason will unfold sometime in the future.

Since that time, again through a fluke test situation, it was discovered that a very small sight is on my tibia (just below the knee) on my left side...(what is with the left side???)  Radiation begins today for five rounds (no weekend treatment) and a IV bonestrengthing treatment every 4 weeks.  Hope we get that one figured out...I ended up in emerg on Mother"s Day because of the pain...what is that saying "no pain, no gain"...well, we will have to see about that before the next treatment.

But in the big scheme of things I am hanging in there. I am totally focused on becoming NED (no evidence of disease - another acronym for you)  Grant is now home, something I so needed, as well as the rest of the family and for him too...He needs us.  Like I said, we are the power of SIX...NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP US !!!

Please know how much we appreciate your emails, prayers and best day I will see each of you in person and large hug is coming your way.

This is the most I have typed since losing control of the 3 fingers (which are slowing coming back..yeah) but I am tired and the advantage of this is I can just say "goodbye"

Please take care of yourself and each other,


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