Saturday 30 April 2011

Again too weary to post.

Sorry folks, it is me again, Don putting forward an update on Fran’s recovery. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since Fran’s posting on April 20. Chemotherapy was to start on April 28th with a consultation, blood tests and a chest x-ray the day before. We met with the medical oncology team and came to learn that the start of chemotherapy under the clinical trial program would have to be delayed five days. Her blood count is low and the sponsor of the trial thought a full 21 days after radiation was necessary for recovery. Hard news to take since we were counting down the days until chemo started killing off the cancer cells.
Dr. Sheperd talked with us about the change in plans and to look into Fran’s complaint of loss of some control in her left hand that appeared on Easter weekend. She can make a fist, but there is no ability to open her hand up fully. The “outboard” fingers don’t seem to want to open up. A nodule on her shoulder is pressing on the nerves that control the fingers of her hand. If left untreated, the danger is that the paralysis will become permanent and may also spread to her hand and perhaps even her arm. Dr. Sheperd made the call then and there that participating in the trial is no longer an option because chemotherapy must begin right away to stop this progess of disease. So tomorrow, chemo as scheduled. This is most disappointing because Fran was counting on an aggressive response to this disease! As well, radiation of her shoulder is necessary to stop the growth and interference with the nerves. Again she will receive daily “hits” into her shoulder for five days sometime between the first and second cycles of chemo. That evening’s drive home was a long one.
The next morning it is off to PMH again for chemo with a 10:30 check in. At noon, Margaret welcomes us to start the IV. Part way through the treatment the radiation team shows up to tell her that a CT scan is scheduled for later today and that radiation of her shoulder is to start tomorrow. Wow they moved fast on that plan!
So for those keeping track, chemo started Thursday with the next cycle starting in 20 days. Radiation started Friday for 5 days ending on Wednesday, May 4th, on her birthday dammit. Also Wednesday is when Grant comes back from Australia. She might not be feeling so chipper as expected that day.
So I am writing this on Saturday night, after fooling everyone here again that I can cook a family dinner. Fran went to bed a couple hours ago with a smile on her face. Dinner was a joy, and a Skype call to Grant went so very well. In about half an hour I will have to wake her for midnight meds.
We were warned that tomorrow would be difficult. Three days after chemo you feel as though you were hit by a truck, so I am not expecting her to have a good day. Nausea is a problem now and I expect will be harder to control over the next three days. Hope she is able to sleep through most of it.
Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts, prayers and most of all for your patience and understanding. We know so many of you are thinking of us and wishing us your best for this journey of recovery. If we have not returned you phone call or replied to your cards and notes of encouragement, it is not that we don’t appreciate your gestures, it is just that we are not able to do so right now. This family’s battle against Frances’ disease is a full time job that takes everything we have in us to fight and for us to look after each other.
Please rest assured that Fran is still as determined as ever to face this challenge and to beat back this cancer. I expect she will be posting to this journal soon but in the meantime, on behalf of Fran, we wish you all well;


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Don, I am glad you are finding the time to blog for Fran, I am sure she is grateful. I hope you are taking care of yourself as well as you are taking care of Fran! The kids still ask about her everyday, I can't wait until she beats this thing and can tell them herself. We love you all and our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Hope to see you soon. xoxo

3 May 2011 at 11:29  
Blogger Mrs. K. said...

Hi Fran and Don,
Thanks for keeping us posted, we're always thinking of you and how everything is going. Happy Birthday tomorrow Fran! You must be so happy that Grant is arriving! I'm sure things are really tough at the moment, but your awesome attitude will get you through it!! Keep Don cooking and he'll have no excuses when all of this is over - you'll have your own personal chef!
Again, we're thinking of you all the time and cheering for you all the way. Be strong!
Lynne and Mike

3 May 2011 at 13:21  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday Fran - and wishing you a very happy Mother's Day!
Lisa & Paul

7 May 2011 at 12:16  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Don and Fran,
Thanks for the wonderful updates.
So glad that you can all be together for Mother's Day.
You are always in our thoughts,
Ged and Nancy

7 May 2011 at 16:46  

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