Thursday 24 March 2011

March 24th - Many Thanks

Time to pack for my upcoming adventure.  I know that everything is mindset. No matter what the situation may be or what the task you are faced with, the only thing you really can control is how you view the whole thing.  In that,  you have a choice... So I will choose ....
Therefore, tomorrow is an adventure...  my flight time has been changed from 12 to 12:30...check in  gates close at 10:30 am and the expected flight time remains at 2 hours.  There will be a 2 hours layover before moving to my suite for the next few days.
Funny, seems like a much better thought than going to the hospital.

I will close my eyes and see the above photo...was the most wonderful evening...warm breeze, no bugs  and the perfect end to a perfect evening.

I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone that has taken the time to wish me well.  I appreciate every prayer, every good wish, and every encouraging thought.  I truly am one of the luckiest people in the world.
Don will post tomorrow and give the latest update.

Have a great night,


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