Friday 24 June 2011

Round 3 of Chemo - June 24

August 2009 - This was the reason for our family trip to Europe.  My family decided that after many years of hosting our reunion at Alma, Michigan or the cottage it was time to go to Scotland.  It was an amazing trip, one that started small - a few days to one that spanned 19 days that included Barcelona, Paris, Antibes, Genova, etc.  not bad for a quick trip to a family reunion....I love this photo (too).

As for me, this has been a long week.  I had my third round of Chemo and as predicted, it does get more difficult as the treatments continue. No big deal, I knew this going in and as the kids heard from GI Joe many years ago "knowing is half the battle".  It is now Friday night and I am moving toward feeling better again, so it works...I have already won half the battle. I had a biopsy done on one of the spots last Thursday to determine if I am eligible for another trail that has become available, however, we won't know for another 3 weeks what the outcome of that will be.  again, the knowing is half the battle stuff, it makes the wait manageable . 

I  continued to be thankful to Don and the boys, they have really stepped up to the plate to tend to me and my every need...oh no....what is going to happen when this cancer in remission and they tell me that I have to take a, it will be a day I look SO FORWARD TO!!!

For the record, most of the people on this bus (our mode of transportation while in Scotland) travelled from Toronto, Chicago, Vancouver, and various other parts of the UK. No small feat getting this many people together for four days...what memories.  I suggest that if you have the chance to attend a family reunion of your own, don't put it off...go you wont regret it, I promise.  In fact, if no one in your family has thought of the idea...why don't you put it out their first.

Well goodnight all, enjoy your weekend...

- Fran

Wednesday 8 June 2011

When one door closes... June 8

During our first trip to France I was fasinacated with the old doors in many of the buildings.  It reminds me that when one doors closes...look for a 

This week again has brought some interesting events to my journey.  It seems that the weekends are not my friends.  Again, I had an issue on Sunday.  My temperature increased to 38.5 degrees, the magic number is 38 and I am considered to have a fever which entails a trip to the hospital, fortunately, the on call doctor prescribed antibiotics over the phone, my fever broke and no trip to the hospital was needed.  BUT, that being said, I have officially dropped Saturday and Sunday from my week therefore no longer running the risk of wasting another weekend in the hospital.

Monday brought two more rounds of radiation for me, my choice.  I have applied for another trial and should I meet all the requirements I would not qualify for radiation once it started.  Therefore, I took advantage of the two weeks gap before finding out my status in the trial and decided to move forward as a precaution on two spots that were bothering me.

So, now we wait.  More scans and tests might be required but we will find out as we move along over the next couple of weeks. 

So there is the update for the week ( or two, if I am lucky)

Take care and remember to always look for the window....


Thursday 2 June 2011

Where does the time go? - June 2nd

CUBA - WHAT A GREAT TIME --  Like I said where does the time go, this was 2007

Hello All, 

I know that you have been watching for updates to the blog and I have been somewhat remiss in updating it.  It seems that it was not that long ago that  I posted yet it was May 11th - wow...and to think that I have not been did I fit time in for everything before? 

It has been rather a whirlwind.  I have had a second round of chemo, different cocktail than the first as it appeared that the first mixture was not working therefore my Oncologist changed the program.  I have also started and completed another round of radiation.  This time it was the tumor in the lung to shrink it, my pelvis to relieve pain and my back to prevent any growth of a spot they found.

At this point, I have had over 40 radiation about glowing in the dark, if I ever go missing I should be easy to find at night.

Over the long weekend, I was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) due to a pain reaction from the radiation.  I would rather have been at the cottage with the boys, however, it was in good hands.  They have got it open and ready to go as soon as I am up to it - Thank you, Boys..

This stay in the hospital was very eventful.  I was given a pain pump .. MAGIC .. no more pain, a blood transfusion ..  MAGIC .. hemoglobin back to normal, continued radiation as an in patient more traffic!!!  I had no idea how annoying travelling to and from the city on a regular basis can be.  My heart goes out to each of you that must travel  into that city for work.  I remember why we picked an office only 7 minutes from our home...

Well, it is onward we go with this fight.  I would like to say that we have had an abundance of great news, but that is not the way with this ugly disease.  It does have it's  moments where the climb seems too high, but then I look around and see that the support I have has already pushed me half way up again. 

I will post again, hopefully not waiting a month to do so...

Again, thanks for all of your support, it makes the other half the climb easier.
