Friday 24 June 2011

Round 3 of Chemo - June 24

August 2009 - This was the reason for our family trip to Europe.  My family decided that after many years of hosting our reunion at Alma, Michigan or the cottage it was time to go to Scotland.  It was an amazing trip, one that started small - a few days to one that spanned 19 days that included Barcelona, Paris, Antibes, Genova, etc.  not bad for a quick trip to a family reunion....I love this photo (too).

As for me, this has been a long week.  I had my third round of Chemo and as predicted, it does get more difficult as the treatments continue. No big deal, I knew this going in and as the kids heard from GI Joe many years ago "knowing is half the battle".  It is now Friday night and I am moving toward feeling better again, so it works...I have already won half the battle. I had a biopsy done on one of the spots last Thursday to determine if I am eligible for another trail that has become available, however, we won't know for another 3 weeks what the outcome of that will be.  again, the knowing is half the battle stuff, it makes the wait manageable . 

I  continued to be thankful to Don and the boys, they have really stepped up to the plate to tend to me and my every need...oh no....what is going to happen when this cancer in remission and they tell me that I have to take a, it will be a day I look SO FORWARD TO!!!

For the record, most of the people on this bus (our mode of transportation while in Scotland) travelled from Toronto, Chicago, Vancouver, and various other parts of the UK. No small feat getting this many people together for four days...what memories.  I suggest that if you have the chance to attend a family reunion of your own, don't put it off...go you wont regret it, I promise.  In fact, if no one in your family has thought of the idea...why don't you put it out their first.

Well goodnight all, enjoy your weekend...

- Fran


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