Saturday 19 March 2011

March 19th

Before I begin this journal I would like to say how truly fortunate I am.  I have the most incredible husband and four of the finest men to call my sons...I could not have faced this journey without you and I know that it is the strength of the six of us that will bring me through to tell the tale through the eyes of a long term survivor...LM/LF.

As a family,  would like to say thank you to everyone for your love, support and prayers.  Although it is not the best of times, it has allowed us to see just how blessed we are to be surrounded by so much love.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

We thought that this will be the easiest way for us to share the news of this journey with those that been so kind in calling and inquiring about how I am doing.  As you can imagine, it is difficult to share news with everyone so we hope this will be the answer.  Please continue to call, we would love to hear from you but this may answer some of the medical questions.

Let me tell you about the picture at the top of this page.  This was taken on my 50th birthday.  It was one of my happiest moments...and it was this photo that I have used as my "letterhead"   It reflects how I feel about life.  We should enjoy every second, laugh as often as we can and always have a second glass of wine...I think I was at about 4 when this photo was taken and the night had only started.

I am hobbling around on crutches right now waiting (impatiently) for next Friday.   It was discovered last Monday that I have a lesion on my left femur.  This has weakened the bone and in order to make sure there is no interruption with Chemo or an unexpected emergency fracture, we decided to proceed with surgery.  This will be done at Mt. Sinai on the 25th at noon.  I expect to be in the hospital for 3-4 days and home on crutches (not going to be happy about that) for a couple of weeks. 

We know that there will be 1-5 radiation treatments but are not sure when that will take place.  What we do know is that Chemo will begin 3 weeks after radiation is complete.  I have been accepted into a trial that my Oncologist believes is perfect for me.  I have no further complications and this trial uses some of the more aggressive drugs right from the beginning.

I know that I am feeling good right now (part from the leg issue) and therefore will be in the best position to blast that crap right out of me.  So, bring it can't be over until it starts.

We will continue to post as we move through this journey.  Please feel free to email me:



Blogger Lynn said...

Fran - To one of the strongest females I know and love dearly.
I love the gusto in which you say blast the crap right out of you... I'm positive that's exactly what it will do. And that's just great as a huge move in the direction of travel to reach your destination.
I'm looking forward to giving some thought to that girls trip to the sun we spoke about last Summer and the New York shopping trip that's still unticked on the travel list.

We will all be sending you positive healing thoughts on Friday.

God Bless

22 March 2011 at 13:57  

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